Before reading, put away your smartphone and tablet, and if you're reading with a gadget, put it in offline mode, so that constant alerts don't distract you from reading.
While reading please try not to interrupt in the middle of the "post" - finish reading to the end, pause, reflect on what you've read and only then put the book away until tomorrow. Read in small portions, and after reading try to move around, and do some physical activity. Then you can switch to other information.
At the beginning of each chapter, I give five basic thoughts: about what is the chapter. This is done on purpose, as a reference point for your brain to perceive, a certain goal of the search. It is a way to get your attention when reading. I must say that these five basic ideas are important to me, but in the process of reading, you may notice something else that is important to you. This is normal - we all have our world of thought, rich and individual, grown from personal experiences and unique environments (family, traditions, beliefs).
For each chapter, I have made visual notes highlighting key points and summarising the chapter's salt. I suggest you start by looking at all the pictures in the book. Examine, read the captions to the arrows and pointers, to the images and symbols. Even if you don't read the book's end, you will still have a general idea of its contents, which is not insignificant.
Each chapter has a "do it now" assignment. "Now" should be taken literally, that is, "while reading": read the assignment, do it. Such tasks develop in you an impulse of action - you no longer "consume" words and letters, but consciously engage in comprehending meaning. The book will repeatedly mentions passive perception of information as a bad habit in learning. The impulse to action helps to get rid of this habit and apply the knowledge immediately.
In some chapters, there are special exercises and links to the book's website where you can practice. Certain skills for improving focus, associative thinking, and memorization techniques are only acquired with constant practice. This book and website are your trainers. Go for it!